Wow. Finally 21, and legal. You were a good girl besides, but now the fun comes out of you. You test your limits with chugging races at Mick's Bar, jello shots, drinking in the dorm rooms at noon just because you feel like it...then get caught and lose the mini fridge for the rest of the year. Damn. Don't worry. You'll grow out of this QUICK. You're more mature for your age, so booze isn't the primary thing in your life for long. Although, it did help you meet the love of your life!
You should take advantage of getting to know more business class colleagues. Life is tough when college is over, and having those relationships would help with life to find a great job. But of course, you're Super Steph and think you have nothing to worry about because you're great at everything you do. Thanks Mom and Grandma for always telling you this crap and making you believe it, even though you really should have tried harder. Life doesn't just get handed to you at the finest level, you have to work for it. Trust me.
Enjoy that trip to California with your old friend from Germany! He was a high school crush and you think he'll FINALLY realize what a catch you are, but in the end, you end up realizing he's not for you. Good for you. He'll still be a great email friend in the end, but someone greater is about to enter your life.
Don't tell Danielle, but thank goodness she decided to be a dumb ass and not use sunscreen on her fair, redhead type skin at Wefest 2008. If she wouldn't have went home for the rest of the vacation, you wouldn't have met B! What a fantastic guy for you! You have a lot in common, he's a gentleman (in the smallest ways, I might add), and would mark the beginning of a wonderful life together! But come on, lose the cowbell and dumb ass glasses. You don't need to look like a drunken, lost fool while having a good time.
Try to live life a little more fuller than you normally do. You never realize how quick it goes until you get to be 26 and realize that the best of your 20's are nearly gone and haven't really achieved many of your personal goals. A great job, getting married, buy a house, children... don't even think about it because it's not going to happen probably until you turn 30. Boo, I know, but deal with it. Life is hard sometimes. Just suck it up and deal with living with B's parents, in the basement, for a few years. You think it's going to be for only a few months...oh and are you so wrong. It's really going to test your relationship with B, but it just makes it stronger. Trust me. The time will come to buy a house, don't you worry. Just gotta wait for the right one to come along in your neighborhood.
Oh, and don't tell Grandma that you and B have separate bedrooms. Come on now. Yes, she is naive and would believe it for quite some time, but a white lie is still a lie. She needs to get with the times.
Enjoy being the weight that you are right now, because in a few years it's going to be tough to lose a TON of it to get back to your college weight. Love does that you know. Not a care in the world now that you have a man that loves you no matter what, but don't let that make you think you can stop eating healthy and crap every day and as much of it as you want. Peep eating contest, walking to get a frozen cheesecake dipped in chocolate on a stick, cheese pizza with extra cheese...yeah. that's what I'm talking about. Knock it off. It's going to bite you in the ass...and hard!
Other than that, have fun! Enjoy being young and free. And poor. And fat. Just gotta lay it out there.
Older, fatter, but wiser, Steph (26)
You thanked your friend for not using sunscreen on you?! HAHAHAHA